Lemuel Ramos, FAIA, NCARB
Mr. Ramos' experience transcends award-winning architectural design talent into facilities programming, interior design, and space planning. From 1963 to 2001 Mr. Ramos developed facilities and programming for banks, health centers, Miami Christian College, schools for the School Districts of Palm Beach, Broward and Dade Counties, The Graham Center at FlU, and the $16 million Dade County Public Health Relocation Study, as well as many private clients. From 1998-2001 he was a Vice President of RS&H. In 2001, after selling his practice to a national A&E firm, he did pro-bono architectural design for nonprofits and Christian organizations as well as residential and the development and design of a 20,000 sq. ft. 3 story office building in St. Lucie West. In 2009 he formed Architects Design Collaborative, LLC with Raul Ocampo, AIA.